Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Years Resolutions and January Goals

Instead of having resolutions this year, I plan on making smaller monthly goals.  I'll check in at the end of each month to evaluate myself and create goals for the next month.  Many bloggers are already doing this, and I think it will be an easier way to actually accomplish things.  

1.  Finish my Brazil Photo album and start my wedding photo album

I started a Project Life album for our Brazil photos, and I am about half way through with getting all the photos in.  I also need to add captions and make things cute.  I printed out over 300 photos and still have more to print!  Crazy!  I can't wait to share the album with you.

I haven't even started on my wedding photos... But I really want to get an album done.  If you have any digital photo albums you love, send your recommendations my way!  For my wedding album I prefer high quality over low price.

2.  Save $500

This might seem like a lot to most people, but we are "dinks" after all (double income, no kids).  I have massive amounts of student loans to pay off, and we have a little bit of credit card debt from our move here, as well as from purchasing our new bed.  If I can save $500 a month, it would really help with paying off those loans sooner rather than later.  Also, we'd like to have a bit in savings for "just in case" or "life happens" moments.  We also want to save up for a nice DSLR, and Peter is going to need a new laptop really soon.

One way I hope to make saving this amount easier is that I plan on taking on some private students.  There are plenty of students interested, I had just postponed it for awhile, as we were adjusting to our new jobs, I was already working full time, and I was honestly getting a little bored of teaching beginners.  However, there is a huge need for violin teachers in this area, and there is plenty of interest, and I could make some extra money... so this next semester I will be taking private students again!

3.  Exercise a little bit.

Even if it's just once a week, it needs to happen.  Seriously.  If there's anything I know for sure about myself, it's that I 100 percent hate working out.  The only way I can tolerate it is with workout buddies.  Without workout buddies, forget it.  So either I need to just suck it up and deal with it, or I need to find some workout buddies!  I'm hoping for the latter.

4.  Get into a blogging routine

I actually have about 50 posts in my drafts... I just need to finish them!  I also have a few photos leftover from Brazil, some photos from our summer travels, and some home projects to share.  I also have some recipes, healthy-eating inspiration, and many more ideas floating around in my head.  I just need to find the time to plan them out and get them posted!  I'm going to aim for 2 posts per week to get started.

Ok I think that's enough for January.  I tried to keep it to things I could actually accomplish.  I don't like setting goals that are not attainable.  That's just depressing.  I will check back in on January 31st to let you all know how it went down.  

Are you making any New Years Resolutions?  Any January Goals?


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